FTI Presentation - Slide 3

Resolving Complex Financial and Accounting Issues in International Disputes

FTI Presentation graphic

FTI's Approach to International Arbitration Disputes


boxspacerSelected Case Examples

boxspacerOverview of Use of Technology in International Disputes

boxspacerRecap of Topics Discussed

boxspacerSupplemental Information (in brochure packets):

boxspacerFTI's Chicago international arbitration team representatives

boxspacerFTI's CIS-related international dispute experience

boxspacerSelected articles

hyphenspacer"Assessing The Incremental Recovery In Arbitration Of Post-merger & Acquisition Accounting And Valuation Disputes: A Case Example" by John Levitske and Jeff Litvak (FTI-Chicago)

hyphenspacer"Arbitrating International Oil & Gas Disputes Involving CIS Parties" by Dean Graves (FTI-Houston)


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